
Our club is a member of several yachting organizations. By virtue of these memberships, every member of our yacht club enjoys the benefits they offer:
Inter-Lake Yachting Association (I-LYA.org) – an association of 144 clubs located in 6 states and Canada. CWHYC members are entitled to participate in all their ac vi es and are welcomed at all these clubs. I-LYA sponsors sail and power boat races and regattas.
Associated Yacht Clubs (AYC) – this association is very active in the western basin of Lake Erie, and promotes interaction among it’s 32 member clubs. They organize the Poker Runs with 5 clubs where you pick up the cards for your hand. As a member of this organization our members are welcomed to participate in all the activities of the member clubs. Many of these clubs offer reciprocal dockage.
Greater Cleveland Boat Club (GCBA.us) – an organization whose mission is to be the “eyes, ears and voice of the recreational boater”. They are very active in legislation that may affect boaters. The organization has 52 member clubs spanning the 5 countries on the south shore of Lake Erie. Member clubs offer many activities in which our members can participate. Reciprocal dockage is available at many member clubs
Eriesponsible - A group of individuals who enjoy Lake Erie living. Whether that is boating, swimming, fishing, or simply living on the lake and enjoying the beauty and tranquility it provides we all choose to make the Lake and its tributaries a large part of our lives. Because of this, we also have noticed that an effort needs to be made to preserve its bounty by reducing contamination and providing clean up efforts whenever possible. To Learn More Please visit their web site at www.eriesponsible.org